Frequently Asked Questions

The term “soul” can be a triggering and loaded word because it is often associated with religious beliefs. However, the soul can exist outside the context of religion and it is up to the individual to decide if they wish to connect to with their soul through their religion, to establish their own connection to their soul or to do both! Energy healing is a means to connect with your soul outside of the religious context, whether or not you consider yourself to be religious. 

We are all surrounded by a field of energy, sometimes referred to as our “energetic body”. It is through this field of energy, that we can connect with our soul. When our energetic body is healthy, energy flows freely within and around our bodies and our soul connection is strong.  When our energetic body is unhealthy, energy does not flow freely and we can feel like we’re swimming upstream against the current of life. 

An unhealthy energetic body can be caused when intense emotions brought on by traumatic or other adverse life experiences are not processed appropriately. Quite often during trauma, our bodies are in the “flight/fright/freeze” response. This heightened state can cause our “emotional processing centers” to shut down. This is a not a bad thing, as it is actually a survival mechanism designed to protect us at the time. Unfortunately, this can cause the energy associated with the adverse event to remain in our bodies and can subconsciously influence how we react to stressors in the present day.

Trauma can also cause us to have “out of body” experiences, during which our souls can literally leave our bodies. This can create “gaps” in our energetic bodies, leaving us living partially or completely outside of our bodies. These gaps can greatly impair or even sever the connection to our soul.

Energy (or Intuitive – the terms can be used interchangeably) Healing is the means by which we can process and release “stuck” emotions, repair the flow of energy, bring our souls back into our bodies and in balance with the mind and body. A healthy mind-body-soul  connection is crucial to living our best life.

You could benefit from energy healing if you’re experiencing one or many of these symptoms:

  • Feeling stuck in your life and unable to break negative behavior patterns (i.e. bad habits)
  • Chronic physical symptoms for which traditional therapies have not been effective and testing cannot determine a cause
  • Feeling lost in the world and living outside of your body
  • Irrational fears and/or panic attacks

Sessions usually run an hour and start with a 15-20 minute discussion about any issues the client may be experiencing. During that time, the healer will use their intuitive skills to identify the areas in the client’s body that need healing. Once the client and the healer agree (it’s a collaborative process) on the best way forward, the healer starts the process of helping the client (though guided meditation) to release old energy patterns and emotions from their energetic field. When the energy/emotions have been cleared and released (sometimes this with comes with tears), the healer works with the client to replace that empty space with new energy that is infused with love and positive intentions. In doing so, the client becomes more embodied (i.e. they start living within their bodies again) and moving forward, will become influenced by the new energy and intentions. All Energy Healing sessions are conducted in the highest good of all present and the planet.

Energy healing happens in layers and some layers can be deeper than others. This means that you may walk away from an energy healing feeling like nothing happened or feeling like you’ve made an immense breakthrough. Our souls know what we need to heal. As an Intuitive (Energy) Healer I will be led to heal the next layer that needs to be released from the client’s energetic body. Although I’ve witnessed the healing of and have healed issues in one session, it is more common that issues are healed incrementally (i.e. it can take a number of sessions) over time. Healing layers can happen over the course of weeks, months or (in extreme cases) years. It’s been my experience that working with a counselor is no different. Which is why (even as an Intuitive Healer) I recommend using both methods (i.e. talk therapy and energy healing) to work through issues at both the mind and the soul level.

Both methods can be highly effective. The best approach is use them in conjunction with one another, as opposed to choosing one or the other. Energy healing tends to surface issues/emotions that have been repressed and out of reach of the conscious mind. For that reason, it is good to use energy healing to surface the deeper issues and then check in with a therapist afterwards. Conversely, as you make breakthroughs with a therapist, it is good to check in with an energy healer to remove any energy associated with that issue.

The majority of my training (which includes practice healings) has been facilitated on-line. In other words, I developed my healing skills using primarily the virtual method. I do find that Reiki isn’t as effective virtually, but my guided meditation methods work just as well in-person, as they do virtually.  It is important to realize that as an Intuitive (Energy) Healer, I’ve been trained to read/sense other people’s energetic bodies. The energy of the universe flows in and around all of us (i.e. we are all connected) and it is through that conduit, I am able to intuitively pick up on the information that helps me heal others, whether the person is in the same room with me or is in another country. 

An Intuitive (Energy) Healer is trained to use their intuitive senses of feeling, knowing, seeing and hearing to read other people’s energy fields/bodies. There are a number of institutions training Intuitive Healers at the current time. Although there is a movement to standardize National Association of Professional Healers, there is currently no centralized governing body or set of credentials.

In the absence of broader standards, I have chosen to abide by the ethics of the institution that certified me – the  School of Intuitive Studies . Rest assured, all sessions are confidential.

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